Brittany Ellis Brittany Ellis

Different forms of Anxiety

The DSM outlines specific criteria to what constitutes a mental health disorder. The diagnosis is based on severity, frequency, and time frame of symptoms. Do you have a formal diagnosis from a clinician or are you self diagnosed?

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Brittany Ellis Brittany Ellis

Anxiety: Men vs. Women

What comes up for you when you think about the differences in anxiety between men and women?

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Brittany Ellis Brittany Ellis

Mindset Shift

Think of your brain as a garden. What would you like to grow? Harvest next season? Are you willing to till your garden and change your crops to maximize its efficiency?

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Brittany Ellis Brittany Ellis

Understanding Anxiety in Simple Terms

When concept causes confusion, fear around its material can grow like wildfire! As a psychotherapist, I have realized how much understanding complex ideas can reduce our anxiety around the concept itself.

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